Denny Rossetto Crowned Open Ladies Champion Hellas 2023Learn MoreDawid Chojnowski – New European CHAMPIONLearn MorePodium Finish for the Flying DutchmanLearn MoreTeam SHIELD at the EHC 2023 HellasLearn More2023 European Handgun ChampionshipsLearn MoreDenny Rossetto Crowned Open Ladies Champion Hellas 2023Learn MoreDawid Chojnowski – New European CHAMPIONLearn MorePodium Finish for the Flying DutchmanLearn MoreTeam SHIELD at the EHC 2023 HellasLearn More2023 European Handgun ChampionshipsLearn MoreUpcoming EventsView MatchesMeet The TeamJim Starley Marcin Wojcieszek Rafa Peniche Cheyenne Wauben Javi Honrubia Mateusz Cichecki Herve Dhelin Justin Cooper James White Jeremy White Norbert Michalák Ernest Nagy Johan Hansen Martin Mortensen Richard Ingram Dawid Chojnowski Austen Stockbridge Dylan Keppel Madeline Muller Michael Randrup Sam Crane Miroslav Zapletal Piotr Sienkiewicz Stefan Ekstedt Alexander Volk Frank Witters Celina Pawlik Grace Lording Latest NewsDenny Rossetto Crowned Open Ladies Champion Hellas 2023Here at SHIELD we could’nt be happier with the result for Denny, having followed her progress all summer with coach Robert Cernigoj, to end up Ladies Champion is the best reward for all the hard work on the range. Many congratulations from all of us here !! Full match results can be found here : EHC 2023 Hellas ResultsDawid Chojnowski – New European CHAMPIONFollowing on from Dawid’s success at World Shoot in Thailand, we are happy to announce he has fulfuilled his goal and has been crowned Junior European Champion 2023 in Greece. Dawid also managed to finish in the top 20 Open shooters Worldwide coming in 9th place overall ! Here at SHIELD we couldn’t be more happy for Dawid and wishPodium Finish for the Flying DutchmanAfter 4 long days of what was a relatively short amount of competition, Dylan managed to keep battling and secure a podium finish in the Production Optics Division. With only 50 points making the difference,the last day proved to be the most important of the match with the field so close. After trading positions throughout the week Dylan secured his